L’Università Link Campus in Roma (Via Nomentana 335), l’Istituto Gino Germani di Scienze Sociali e Studi Strategici e l’International Centre for Defence Studies organizzano un interessante convegno di Studi il 30 giugno p.v.
Di seguito il programma:
This one-day conference will be held on Monday 30 June 2014, from 9:30 to 17:30, at Link Campus University (Via Nomentana 335, Rome). It is co-organized by Link Campus University (Rome), the Gino Germani Institute for Social Sciences and Strategic Studies (Rome) and the International Center for Defense Studies (Tallin).
The event will be held in English, under the Chatham House rule, and will involve a group of 50 experts from European and Italian government agencies, universities, think-tanks, research centers and the business community. The conference will explore the strategic implications of the Ukraine crisis for European security and for the future direction of NATO and the transatlantic security relationship.
The objective is to generate insights that will be useful for government and defense industry policy-makers ahead of the NATO September 2014 Summit. Panel discussions and brainstorming sessions will address critical questions such as the following:
1) Should the West rethink European Security after the Ukrainian crisis?
2) What are the implications of the Ukrainian crisis for NATO’s mission, purpose and ambitions? What should be NATO’s strategic focus in the future? Is it time for NATO to rethink its global role and refocus on European security?
3) What are the lessons for the EU? What are the implications of the Ukrainian crisis for CSDP and the relationship between European defense and the transatlantic security relationship?
4) Does NATO enlargement have a future and does it remain desirable?
5) How should Europe construct a strong defense and deterrence framework for the future?
MORNING SESSION (9:30-13:00) 9:00 – registration of participants 9:30 –
Introductory remarks: Vincenzo SCOTTI (President, Link Campus University); Luigi Sergio GERMANI (Director, the Gino Germani Institute for Social Sciences and Strategic Studies; coordinator of the Master’s program in intelligence and security studies, Link Campus University). Moderator : Luigi Vittorio FERRARIS (Ambassador [ret.], Italy). Presentations:
Giovanni BRAUZZI (Deputy Director General, Central Director for Security, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) “Towards a Harmel Report 2.0?”
Dietmar STÜDEMANN (Ambassador [ret.], Germany) “The Russia-Ukraine crisis: consequences for peace and security in Europe”;
Matthew BRYZA (Ambassador, USA; Director, International Center for Defense Studies, Tallin) “Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Should NATO Expand Collective Security to Protect its Core?”;
Germano DOTTORI (Università LUISS-Guido Carli, Limes, Nomisma) “Russian Perceptions of the Ukraine Crisis”; Stefano STEFANINI (Former Diplomatic Advisor to the President of Italy ) “Should the West rethink European Security after the Ukrainian crisis?”;
Discussion 13:00
Lunch break
Keir GILES (Director, Conflict Studies Research Center, Oxford, UK) “Russian information warfare: is it a threat to European security and what are the implications for NATO”?;
Etienne DE DURAND (Institut Français des Relations Internationales , Paris) “The Capability Requirements of An Effective Collective Defense”
Alessandro MARRONE (Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome) “From Kabul to Kiev: striking the NATO balance between global and regional focus”.
Carlo JEAN (Link Campus University, Rome) “Towards a Dual NATO?”
Marco MAYER (Adjunct Professor of Cyberspace and International Relations, PhD Program, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna , Pisa) e Luigi MARTINO (CSSII, University of Florence) “Bridging Smart Experiences and New Technological Capabilities: New Challenges for Italian Defense Policy”.
Concluding remarks:
Federica MOGHERINI (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Italy) [to be confirmed]
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